Ministry of Education

Get connected through ministry

As part of the vision, mission, and goals at the Evangelical Church of the Redeemer, Education Ministry seeks to promote Christian understanding and growth. We seek to learn about the world God has created and how to find meaning and purpose through God’s will in our lives.

Sunday School | ages 3 thru 6th grade

Redeemer offers Sunday School classes for children ages 3 thru Grade 6. Sessions are held on the first and third Sunday of each month from 9:15 A.M. - 10:05 A.M. from September thru May. Registration forms are available on our website or at the church.

All Children Are Welcome!

Dates for 2024:

  • September 8 (Rally Day ) and 15

  • October 6 and 20

  • November 3 and 17

  • December 1 and 15 and 22*

    *The Children’s Christmas Program will take place during worship on the 4th Sunday in Advent, December 22. Rehearsal will occur during SCS.

If you are a member with all of your clearances and are called by helping our youth learn and grow in the Christian tradition, we want to hear from you! Contact the church office at

If you have any questions, please see Cyndy Hillegass, Diane Heinly, Darcie Wolf, or Mary Richards, or contact the church office at 610-434-1291.


Muhlenberg Elementary School

Another very important aspect of our Education Ministry is our Adopt a Classroom program. Beginning in 2016, we established a partnership with the kindergarten classes of Muhlenberg Elementary School. As part of our God’s Work, Our Hands program on Rally Day we assemble homework kits for each of the kindergartners at the school. These are materials a student may need at home to complete their day to day operations within their respective classrooms. Dr. Seuss Day would find each of the kindergarten children receiving a Dr. Seuss book as part of our Outreach Program to the school.

The generosity of our Redeemer Family has enabled us to fulfill our commitment to the teachers at Muhlenberg Elementary. A huge thank you to all who have participated in this program.

What’s Confirmation?

At one time (back when I was confirmed) confirmation was a rite of passage. It was the time when a young person not only made a personal statement of faith, but it was also the time when we became a communing, contributing member of the congregation with the right to attend annual meetings and vote. But since children now commune at an earlier age than confirmation age, confirmation has lost the “rite of passage” purpose.

Confirmation, which is now commonly called Affirmation of Baptism, is the time when young people declare for themselves that they will live out the promises made for them by their parents and sponsors in their baptism (that is, of course, assuming that they were baptized as an infant). The time spent in confirmation class, fellowship, worship, and service are intended to continue, more intentionally, the exploration of faith, faith and life, and faith and the church so that students can make that affirmation of baptism statement of faith in the hope and trust that God will continue to lead and guide them in all the aspects of their lives now and in the future.

Redeemer’s Confirmation process: 

  • Is open to youth in 7th, 8th, and 9th grades

  • Will include youth from Redeemer and St. Timothy Evangelical Lutheran Churches

  • Is facilitated by Pastor(s) and one lay person(s)

  • Consists of class, worship, fellowship, service, and Confirmation, i.e. Affirmation of Baptism during worship.  There will also be one retreat (Friday evening through Saturday around 3PM) in the spring of 2025. 

    • Class attendance on the first and third Sundays of each month beginning, September 15, 2024 and ending June 1, 2025. One excused absence is permitted and the assigned materials for that session must be made up in a one on one session with Pastor(s).

      • We are joining together with St. Timothy's Church for confirmation classes, one class will take place here the next at St. Timothy's Church.  

      • You may travel to and from each location on your own or come to Redeemer and ride down to St. Timothy's for with Pastor Cynthia or another representative from Redeemer to attend class (Signed Permission and Waiver from parents is needed).  

    • Worship attendance at all and participation in on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month.

      • Ways to participate in worship:  

        • Serve as Acolyte 

        • Serve as Technical Support, run the PowerPoint and or streaming camera

        • Assist in leading worship as Assistant Presider, Lector, and or Communion Assistant 

    • Fellowship events will take place once per quarter, or three times.

      • Possible Fellowship Events:  

        • Bowling

        • Blue Mountain – Snow Tubing

        • Movie Night

    • Service ministries will take place once per quarter, or three times.

      • Possible Service Opportunities:  

        • Ripple Church - Sunday evening 3pm -6:30pm

        • Daybreak (?) or TBA

        • Neighborhood Drop-In Center - Sunday morning (during one of the 1st or 3rd Sunday's) 7:30am - Noon.

Confirmation will take place at St. Timothy’s for St. Timothy's Confirmands and at Redeemer Church for Redeemer Confirmands on Pentecost, Sunday, June 8, 2025.